Digital Workplace Officer

Job Description

– Manages communication and collaboration platform


– Maintains policies and aligns with Information Security Office and Data Privacy Office for proper data and system handling.


– Provides recommendation for Collaboration apps and integration


– Provides support for collaboration apps concerns/issues.


– Promotes collaboration and communication learning contents and campaigns


– Maintains good relationship between the Bank, and Platform Provider.


– Reviews documentations and contracts in ensuring that it is aligned with the policies of the Bank.


– At least 1 year experience in managing communication and collaboration platform


– Operating System: Windows, MAC, IOS, Android


– Applications: Microsoft Office 365, Google Suite, Learning Management System, Contact Center or Telephony system


– Has knowledge on editing on graphic and video applications


– Design Thinker


– Possess keen organizational and people handling skills.


– Problem solving ability.


– Ability to foster teamwork.


– Good analytical and problem solving skills


– Express oneself clearly in conversations, interactions and business writing.


– Self-organizing.


– The ability to plan and deliver oral and written communications that make an impact and persuade their intended audiences.


– The ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen partnerships with others inside or outside the organization who can provide information, assistance, and support.

Join our Team

Send your resume to with the subject line: “Digital Workplace Officer Application”.